Delivery vehicle hijacked in Isipingo recovered

The hijacking of delivery vehicles has become more frequent with another such incident taking place earlier this week.

ANOTHER delivery vehicle laden with goods was highjacked in Isipingo on May 8, following similar incidents in the area over the past few months.

Also readHijacked truck recovered in Isipingo

PT Alarms spokesperson Dhevan Govindasamy said that gunmen hijacked an Isuzu courier bakkie with its crew in the Isipingo CBD.

“The suspects who were allegedly travelling in a white Toyota Avanza accosted the driver before driving off with the occupants and the vehicle. The vehicle’s tracking device was activated, and the vehicle was recovered with the driver and his crew in Uganda, Umlazi. The suspects managed to take a few boxes before making a getaway,” said Govindasamy.

In February, a truck delivering electrical appliances was hijacked in the South Coast area and was later recovered in Isipingo. In February 2023, another truck ferrying appliances was hijacked in Springfield and was later recovered minus its load in Isipingo.

Govindasamy thanked Tracker Connect, metro police and Umlazi SAPS who worked with the PT Alarms Tactical Unit to recover the vehicle.


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