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So, what is an “arm and a leg” and how much does that cost?
Well, that depends heavily on the person asking the question, as we all have varying levels of wealth and what costs an “arm and a leg” for one person may be equivalent to the “baby toe” of another.
Here’s what we can tell you though. Based on a bit of research we have done with some of our contractors on the CheckerTrader website www.checkertrader.co.za – The safest place in South Africa to find a contractor.
We chatted to a few of our contractors across multiple categories about what their hourly labour rate was (excluding any parts or materials), and simply put, we came out with an average cost of R389 per hour. Now there is heated debate among contractors, but most will agree that four or five hours is a reasonable charge for any job that exceeds four or five hours in any day.
Now this is by no means a given and every contractor is different, but it’s a good rule of thumb and something that should be discussed with your contractor prior to commencing work. (Charging an hourly rate and then taking three days can add up really quickly and you may want to discuss a different approach.)
The key to any successful relationship between a client and a contractor is communication. Don’t be embarrassed to talk about the numbers and be wary of contractors that are not upfront about their fees and how they calculate them.
Last, but not least, you’ve heard it a million times before, “you get what you pay for.” We’re not saying you’re guaranteed shoddy workmanship from a cheaper contractor, nor that you’re guaranteed an amazing outcome from a very expensive contractor. Contractors have different levels of experience and running costs.
A young person starting out still living with their folks may not need to charge as much as an experienced business owner with four vehicles on the road and six staff members to support. So, always do your homework and be vigilant.
Don’t forget that all contractors are on their best behaviour when trying to convince you why they’re the best option to relieve you of that hard earned cash.
Money is money, and it’s not unreasonable to expect a satisfactory result for a service you acquired