Served with love: Meals on Wheels treat Happy Hearts Club

Seniors from the Happy Hearts Club were treated to a hearty lunch. Theresa Saber from Meals on Wheels said, "It was a wonderful opportunity to give back and make the seniors feel cherished and celebrated."

IN a heartwarming celebration, Meals on Wheels hosted a special lunch for the Happy Hearts Club at the John Dunn House on May 13.

Also read: Meals on Wheels puts love into action

The event, organised by Meals on Wheels Community Services, brought smiles, joy and a sense of community to the seniors in attendance.

Theresa Saber from Meals on Wheels detailed the day’s proceedings, saying, “We delivered and served lunch to the Happy Hearts Club members. It was a wonderful opportunity to give back and make the seniors feel cherished and celebrated.”

Saber said the programme for the day was simple yet impactful. Volunteers from Meals on Wheels arrived early to set up and prepare the meals, which included a variety of home-cooked dishes.

“The volunteers not only served the food but also took the time to engage with the guests, making them feel special and appreciated on this day,” said Saber.

Saber expressed her satisfaction with the event’s outcome, stating, “It was definitely a success. The Happy Hearts Club members were not expecting to be served in this way, and we will definitely be looking at doing something special for them again.”

The gratitude and joy expressed by the club members affirmed the positive impact of the event.

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