Sedibeng DHS Director addresses Zone 17 community

On Monday morning, angry residents of Zone 17 closed down the clinic in the area and demanded that the Chief Director of Sedibeng District Health Services (DHS), Terrance Magoro address their grievances.

SEBOKENG. – The Chief Director of Sedibeng District Health Services (DHS), Terrance Magoro on Monday addressed the grievances raised by Ward 2 community regarding the newly built Zone 17 Clinic. 

Chief Director of Sedibeng District Health Services (DHS), Terrance Magoro addressed Zone 17 residents on Monday. Photo: Moleboheng Chaha

Sedibeng Ster’s arrived at the clinic on Monday to find gates closed and patients being turned away and asked to go to other health facilities in the area. 

This is after the community closed down the clinic, halting health services. The community alleged that the new clinic had begun operations without their knowledge. They also said that five general workers living outside the ward had been hired by the clinic.

“It can’t be that people living outside this ward are benefitting when there are so many jobless people living in ward 2. We demand a transparent hiring process. We also want the clinic to start advertising posts in newspapers so that all people have an equal opportunity to apply,” said angry residents.   

Speaking to the community, Magoro said that the state-of-the-art clinic had not been opened without the knowledge of the community. “This is your clinic and it is up to you to protect it. It is not true that the clinic has been opened. The Premier is coming on Friday to officially hand over the clinic. This is why some of the staff has been moved to the new building to carry out preparations for the handover.”

Addressing questionable hiring processes at the clinic, Magoro said the five people employed to render general services at the clinic were hired by a sister department, the Department of Infrastructure Development (DID). Magoro promised residents that they would begin a new hiring process that will benefit the residents of Ward 2. 

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