One-month-old allegedly kidnapped in Small Farms

One-month-old Keabetswe Mabaso was allegedly taken from her home on Friday, 25 August.

EVATON. – A desperate mother, 32-year-old Mapuleng Mabaso from Small Farms is pleading for the community’s help in finding her kidnapped baby, one-month-old Keabetswe Mabaso.

According to the mother, her baby was allegedly taken by a woman who visited her home under the pretense of working for the Department of Social Development (DSD) under an organization ‘Mother and Child Development’ operating in Orange Farm.

Mabaso states that the woman who introduced herself as Nonhlanhla Khumalo first came to her home on Wednesday, 23 August. “She said she was from an organization which helps disadvantaged people with food parcels.”

Mabaso said she was happy that she and her family were finally going to get some form of help.
“The lady returned on Thursday and I was able to relay my life story to her and share struggles I face daily.”

Mabaso said she was busy making plans to move to a new place so on Friday she called the woman to let her know that she was going to be staying at a different address. This is because she wanted the woman to know where to deliver the food parcels.

“She came and, on her arrival, she said the car they were traveling with was already making deliveries and would be here soon. I left her with my baby and went to the bathroom outside, when I returned, both the woman and my baby were nowhere to be found.

“I’m begging her to please bring back my baby. What she has done to me has really hurt me and it is something I will never forget. Please find it in your heart to bring my baby back. I imagine that you are also a mother and you can feel my pain,” Mabaso said.

Police spokesperson Colonel Dimakatso Nevhuhulwi confirms police are investigating a kidnapping case.

Sedibeng Ster has inquired with the Department of Social Development (DSD) regarding the matter.

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