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Drunk drivers mistake bedroom for garage

A peaceful Sunday night had a rude awakening for the dreamers that were already in deep sleep, when a van came crashing through their bedroom window.

All they saw was bright lights and they could not jump out of the way in time.

Ms Deliwe Mathibela and Mr Elias Masuku were asleep on January 12, at about 01:30 when bright lights woke them up suddenly. “I saw the lights and tried to pull my wife and grandchild out of the bed, but the car was already inside,” said Masuku. He added that he was woken up, after having a bad dream and to his surprise, the drama and danger from his dream were about to happen in his home.

Masuku said that his eight-month-old grand-daughter, Simthandile Sindane, had to have stitches on her left leg. His wife had some bricks from the crashing wall fall on top of her. Some glass from the windows was smashed with such impact that it got lodged in her head. Masuku said that he was fine, as he managed to jump out of the way before the crash.

The driver of the van allegedly was drunk.  His girlfriend was in the van with him at the time. The driver is also alleged to be without a driver’s licence.  According to by-standers the two were apparently involved in an altercation on their way home, also in Kgasoane Street, Lynville and they were both in control of the steering wheel. It is alleged that as they were fighting for control of the van, they lost control of it and that is when it went crashing into the home of Ms Mathibela.

Ms Bongi Sithole, who is the owner of the van, has refused to comment on the incident. Neighbours alleged that it is not the first time that Ms Sithole argues with her boyfriend and their fights are violent, it was just unfortunate that during this incident, a family home was wrecked and an infant injured.

An ambulance came to the scene to survey the injuries. The family was taken to Witbank Hospital for observation and they were discharged in the early morning, after doctors confirmed that there were no serious injuries sustained by any of the casualties.

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