#MomRocks Selfie Competiton

#MomRocks Selfie Competition

Breakfast in bed, a huge flower bouquet, a handmade card… it’s the simple things that will make your mom’s heart melt on Mother’s Day.  We found the cutest ideas on  YouTube, easy enough for a child to make – although we bet your mom would appreciate this, no matter what your age!

Mother’s Day GIVE AWAY

EVERY MOM will receive a high tea voucher for two, from The Oyster Box, with every vehicle purchased in the month of May!

EMPANGENI: 035 772 1164 | RICHARDS BAY: 035 797 3401


MOMS are the greatest caregivers of all!
Happy Mother’s Day!
from the Melomed Team

CNR of N2 and MR496 (John Ross Highway)
Tel: 035 791 5300


Wishing all of the mothers a very happy Mother’s Day!

Best equipped & biggest kiddies corner for mom’s convenience   

Tuzi Gazi, Small Craft Harbour, Richards Bay
035 788 0022

Spoil your mom this Mother’s Day!

Petal package
Choose 3 of the following:
• Classic pedicure
• Foot massage
• Swedish back & neck massage 30min
• Cupboom Express manicure
• Fish spa 30min
• Gel toes
• Brow shape & tint


Sensational Facial
+ FREE Botox Like Peel Off Mask
valued at R250


Successful Mothers are not the ones who never struggled, they are the ones that never give up, despite the struggles.
MOM, a title just above Queen…

Happy Mother’s Day mum. We are so grateful and blessed for having a special mum like you. Thank you for all your love, we love you lots Quintin, Cecilia, Danielle and Cara x

Not a day goes by that I don’t feel blessed to have you as my mom. You inspire me with your words and actions, and show your love in so many ways! 

For all you do, you do with love. You are so special, a gift from above and we want to say we love you, Mom.

Thank you seems very small to say when I think about all the sacrifices you have made for me. I love you my dearest mommy

Mom, thank you for always being there for us. Happy Mother’s Day.
We love you Talia & Lianè

Thank you for your countless contributions to our life.
Happy Mother’s Day mom. Love you dearly, Lee and Laurie

Happy Mother’s Day to the most amazing, awesome and extraordinary loving mom.We love you.
Bella, Frankie and Tommy

You are the sweetest, loveliest and most beautiful mommy. We love curling our fingers in your soft hair. Thank you for being our mom! Love Nathan & Jayden

Lizay:  Mamma is baie mooi en ek is baie lief vir mamma!
Miecke:  Ek is baie lief vir  mamma. Jy is die beste mamma!

Ma, vir die wêreld is jy net ‘n ma, maar vir ons is jy ons hele wêreld…Ons het jou oneindig baie lief… Die Futcher gesin.

“Thank you for raising me to the man I am today and for all you do as our Mom, Mom-in law & granny, Love you Brett, Tara, Clark & Reece”

To my mom, thank you for always caring, being kind and always giving. I thank God every day for the time on earth he has given you to us, love you lots my mom Sean

Liefste Ma , ons sê dit nie altyd genoeg nie maar woorde kan nie beskryf hoe lief ons ma het nie! Gelukkige Moedersdag, Baie liefde Landi en Rudi 

Thank you for being our one in a million mum. We love you to the moon and back, always.
Your Girls, Cherezade, Tahirah and Tylee

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. Thank you for always being there for us.
We love you. Mihnè and Kieran

The Only Thing Better Than Having You As My Wife Is Our Children Having You As Their Mommy

Dear Mom, happy Mother’s Day. Thank you for always being there for us, loving us and caring for us. No one can ever replace you in our life. Love Josh
and Kyle

“ Dear Mom, Happy grand- MOTHERS day!
We love you. Love from : Tammy, Damian, Bronwyn, Jordan, Donna & Luke”

Through all the storms life has thrown our way, we continue to experience everlasting joy, laughter and love with each other.

Gelukkige Moedersdag aan ʼn wonderlike ma en ouma, jy bly ʼn juweel in ons lewens en alles wat ons is of ooit kan droom om te wees, is te danke aan mamma.
Lief vir jou
Cecilia, Danielle en Cara x

Liefste mamma, dankie vir alles wat mamma vir ons doen, vir beter kon ons nie vra nie. Ons is oneindig baie lief vir mamma!
Lovies, Ilsa en Linda

Mom, thank you for all you do for us , we really appreciate it,  we love you with all our hearts. Happy Mother’s Day! Lots of love , Ethan , Riley and Pippa 

Mommy, thank you for everything you do for me , I love you with all my heart. Lots of Love your Bella

“Mommy, we love you to the moon & back and think you are the best Mommy ever! Love Clark & Reece”

To the world you are a Mother, but to your family you are the World.
Love you mom, from Lacey and Holly Frost.

You brought me into this world. Surrounded by love and joy. You gave me a sister to love too. Thank you for all you do for me making me honey milk. Lying with me at bedtime. And loving us with all your heart. Bryce & Mackenzie

“Mama Mia” You’re the wind beneath my wings. I’m everything
I am because of your love. I love you forever. Happy Mother’s Day.

Mommy, we smile because we are your daughters and we laugh because there is nothing you can do about it. We wish you a magical Mother’s day full of sparkles and love. Lots of hugs and kisses Azaria and Aleah

Ma, dankie vir al die liefde, omgee & bederf. Gelukkige Moedersdag

Mother’s hold their children’s hands for a while, but their hearts forever. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.

There are so many things in life that are good but Mom, you are great and I thank you for everything. Happy mother’s Day

THANK YOU for all your love, support, guidance, laughter, patience, hugs and kisses! HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Love Jayden

Mom… No matter what we go through, I will always love you. Thank you for being my best friend and the best mother by far! No words can describe how much you mean to me. Thank you for always walking the extra mile for me.

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