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Help put rapists behind bars

Learn how to preserve DNA evidence.

THE importance of DNA and forensic evidence in investigations is not just a matter for police detectives.

Any member of the public could be first responder on a scene and should know what to do – and what not to do.

With this in mind, LifeLine Zululand, in partnership with the TEARS Foundation, DNA Project, Zululand Observer and SAPS, is hosting a DNA Awareness Workshop at 6pm on Tuesday 25 November at the Umfolozi Casino Dome, who generously supplied the venue.

Facilitating the presentation will be Rhys Mccoll of the DNA Project and the entry fee is a R100 donation per person.

The police ‘CSI van’ will also be on display for a demonstration of sophisticated techniques.

‘DNA profiling has replaced fingerprinting as the forensic tool of choice to be used by investigators to link suspects to a crime scene,’ said LifeLine Director, Sue Stephenson.

‘It is highly effective as DNA can be found in any cell in the body. This means that evidence can be collected from biological material left at a crime scene such as hair, semen, saliva, sweat, blood and skin cells.

‘Therefore, this technology can be used to match DNA profiles of suspects with DNA evidence or ‘Crime Stains’ found at scenes, thereby assisting to solve crimes including murder, rape, burglary etc.

Rape crisis

‘Our experience tells us that sexual assault harms many lives, both directly and indirectly.

‘It is a crime that spans age, sexual orientation, religion and gender and affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels.

‘It is estimated that one in three women and 1 in 30 men are raped in their lifetimes in South Africa.’

Knowing how to protect a crime scene and preserve DNA evidence could help put offenders behind bars.

First on crime scene responders, CPF members, paramedics, SAPS, security guards, teachers, media, counsellors and community members in general would benefit by attending.

A certificate of attendance will be issued to all participants on completion by the DNA Project facilitator.

To secure your seat and a Goodie Bag please contact LifeLine Zululand on 035-7892472 or email llzul@telkomsa.net

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