Elections 2024: Age not a criteria for special voting

King Cetshwayo IEC office responds to viral 'special voting' message

Registered voters who meet the criteria to cast a special vote in the upcoming general elections have until this Friday to apply.

While messages have been circulating alleging that the process is open only to people over the age of 60, this is not the case.

“You need to apply to be able to vote on 27 and 28 May. It is not only for voters over 60,” said IEC King Cetshwayo regional manager Stella Dlamini.

She said people who can apply include voters who will not be present on election day or who will be on duty as a member of the security services during the election, or those serving as an officer in the election concerned.

“There is also a category of home visits that affects voters who are physically infirm and cannot travel to the polling stations,” said Dlamini.

Registered voters who wish to vote on the special days must apply online, send their ID number via SMS to 32249 or call and make an appointment at their local IEC office.


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