Bridge the Gap – Tribute To Nelson Mandela

On July 18 we will join the world in paying tribute to Nelson Mandela by giving 67 minutes of our time to improve the lives of others.

It is such a privilege to honour a man who exemplifies the best qualities attainable by humanity.

I know all South Africans and indeed the world join us in our saddest moment on December 5, 2013 when we experienced the profound sense of loss and sadness when Tata Madiba passed away.

Nelson Mandela was South Africa’s most beloved son and the father of our nation and a man respected, admired, loved by people across the world as a moral compass and role model for what every human should aspire for.

Nelson Mandela was a global statesman, who rose above hate and vengeance to embrace peace and reconciliation, a man whose courage, wisdom, visionary leadership and almost inhuman capacity to forgive continue to inspire people in both South Africa and the whole world.

He has redefined the concept of leadership. He has proved through his own example that faith, hope and charity are qualities not beyond the attainment by humanity. Because of him, the world is a better place. Because of him, the world is working to be a kinder place.

I urge every resident to take their 67 minutes on Mandela day to improve the life of the community of Ekurhuleni. Let us make every day a Madiba day and create a better life for all.

As a tribute to Madiba I would like to share my favourite Nelson Mandela quote with residents: “Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do.”

Let the words of Nelson Mandela guide us all to become passionate about improving the lives of our fellow community members.

Also Read the following Blogs

Black on White

Inside Report with Basch

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