BlogsEditor's noteOpinion

Inside Report with Basch: The ugly truth

Once again our illustrious Ekurhuleni Metro police is in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.

Bribery and corruption has again raised its ugly head in the public space with officers of the EMPD being accused of taking bribes.

One accusation goes around about an officer in the Edenvale area accosting a lady for a bribe, and when she said that she didn’t have cash on her, the officer escorted her to an ATM to have her draw the money.

This kind of behaviour cannot be tolerated, and it demoralises the hardworking members of the service. And there is an obvious statement, but how can we say that it cannot be tolerated in context to the last two Chiefs of Police that we have had.

Robert Mcbride was implicated in a drunk and driving scandal that cost the metro over two million rand in legal fees to defend, and chief Msimang was accused of murder. How can we stand in righteousness and condemn bribery when the leadership act like that?

There is very little political will from the ruling party to act out against senior members that are found to be linked to such scandals. This all creates an environment of zero accountability.

Do what you want because nothing will happen to you. As an opposition party member it is utmost frustration that I watch our services go downhill, the once proud tradition of serving with honour and diligence, of upholding the the badge, is gone but I can tell you, not forgotten.

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