What the residents think the mayor should do in the midst of allegations that he is a scammer

What do the residents of Alex think of the allegations made against the new Johannesburg mayor Kabelo Gwamanda?

Alex News took to the streets of Alex to find out what residents think of the recent allegations made against Johannesburg mayor Kabelo Gwamanda. This is what they had to say:

PATRICIA MLAMLA: He must not step down until he is deemed guilty, because these are just allegations with no proof to them. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? There are many people who have been falsely accused, so the accusers must file cases against him and provide proof.


OLWETHU MJONGILE: I think we should give the mayor a chance until he proves himself otherwise. Because looking at him, he is a young man, and as young people, we have been fighting to have younger people in higher places so that we can be represented. Hence, until he is proven guilty, I will not play judge against him.

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