Residents begin to get their lives back to normal

Water restored to the suburbs of Germiston.

In recent weeks, residents of Germiston have had their fair share of ups and downs, caused by the water crisis.

But, last Saturday, they had a glimmer of hope when the water supply returned.

The supply was sporadic to begin with, reported residents, but seems to have normalised more as the new week begins.

Taryn Castle-Pearce shared her relief on Facebook: “Marlands finally has water, after seven days of nothing.

“Let’s hope it remains.”

“Sunnyridge, Homestead and Gerdview have water but very little and sporadic, too,” said Valarie Green.

Robyn Wood Cordeiro said: “Sunnyrock just got, so it’s been exactly a week since it first went off.”

“We have some in Marlands, but the pumps have been switched off,” said Kaylene Pohlmann Ferreira.

“To be reviewed on Monday, really?

“We are too complacent.”

On Saturday, Justice Mohale, media relations manager for Rand Water, released the following update to the press:

“Germiston areas have water.

“Ekurhuleni started pumps last Friday, September 26, to Sunnyridge tower and pumps tripped due to cavitation which is caused by air lock.

“Pumps were restarted on the Saturday.

“Those pumps get supply from Northridge reservoir.

“Airfield reservoir will be throttled until the level reaches 10 per cent, to boost the level of Northridge reservoir.

“Primrose areas are getting water but still experiencing low pressure and some area still don’t have water.

”Albemarle, Castle View Dinwiddie, Northern parts of Katlehong are also experiencing low pressure and continued water cuts due to the leak on Ekurhuleni network and the municipality busy repairing the leak,” explained Justice Mohale, media relations manager for Rand Water.

On Monday, Rand Water sent out a second update:

“All areas in Ekurhuleni have water.

“There is, however, localised water supply problems, but the municipality is attending to them,” said Mohale.

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