Ashton International College introduces girls cricket

Delyni Venter's passion for cricket paved the way for the introduction of the sport at the school.

Ashton International College Ballito Grade 9 pupil Delyni Venter has inspired a new addition to the school’s sport programme – girls cricket.

Joining Ashton last year and having played cricket at her previous school in Johannesburg, Delyni saw a gap and proposed the idea of introducing the sport to Senior College head of sport, Craig Currin.

He put the proposal to a vote and once accepted, it gained significant popularity in the last term.

Ashton captain Emma Blignaut steers a delivery safely away.

Last Thursday the Ashton XI took the first step to become competitive by testing their skills against the Durban Girls High outfit.

Although victory was not realistically on the cards against the more experienced visitors, Ashton is leading the way on the North Coast to change the past trend of girls in KZN having to play in boys’ teams.

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