BLOGGING THE VIEW: 5 quick tips for saving costs on electricity

Rising cost of electricity and petrol getting you down? Here are 5 quick and easy ways to save some bucks over the coming months...

Government waited until 2 April to announce that electricity and petrol prices would be going up just so we wouldn’t think it was an April Fool’s joke.

Eskom will be hiking electricity up by around 12.74%, while petrol now costs 67 cents more per litre.

Sadly, our meagre earnings are going to have to stretch even further as we fork out more each month, but there are ways to cut back that could see you saving in the long run.

To make those rands stretch even further, here are some top tips for saving on electricity … until you can afford to go completely solar, of course!

1. Do some maintenance

Appliances that aren’t running at their optimum are using more energy than they should be. Go around the house and check what appliances need services or repairs and start budgeting that in. Where you can replace old appliances with more energy-efficient options, you’re going to save even more!

2. Cut down on hot water

With winter approaching, you’re inclined to use more hot water, but in Zululand you could probably get away with using a lot less! Limit your showers and your hot water use by opting for cold laundry and dishwashing where you can.

3. Replace showerheads

Showerheads are a comparatively small expense, particularly when you realise the long-term savings. Switch to a low-flow, energy-efficient showerhead to drastically cut your water use and lower your energy costs. You won’t even notice the difference when showering but you will when you see the energy bill.

4. LED lighting

You can save thousands of rands by switching your lighting to LED. The biggest advantage of LED lighting, beyond simply the energy efficiency, is that they have a much longer lifespan. These clever bulbs can last 50 000 to 100 000 operating hours, which is two to four times longer than most traditional lights.

5. Keep in the heat

If you can spare some funds for an air fryer, you will benefit significantly from energy savings as it uses less time to heat up than ovens and cooks food a lot quicker. Until then, when cooking on a stove, turn it off earlier than needed as the plate will retain heat long afterwards and keep cooking your food. For ovens, keep the door closed as every time you open the door, the temperature drops and more energy is required to increase the heat.

Remember to switch off lights when you leave a room, unplug idle appliances, and generally get into the habit of doing what you can, where you can, to cut those exorbitant electricity costs!



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