
#NewsYouCanUse: No waiting period to report a missing person

Give a complete description of the missing person’s last whereabouts.

The SAPS requested that when reporting a missing person that you do it as soon as possible.

This is to ensure that a missing person’s case is opened immediately and to allow for investigations to begin.

You can assist the SAPS when reporting a missing person by doing the following:

• Provide a recent photograph of the person if possible.

• Give a complete description of the missing person’s last whereabouts and clothing worn.

• Complete and sign a SAPS 55(A) form as this form safeguards SAPS from false missing persons cases. This also indemnifies the SAPS to distribute the photo and information of the missing person.

• Keep the investigation officer’s contact details and send additional information that becomes available.

• If the missing person returns voluntary, inform the investigating officer immediately and complete a SAPS 92 form. This is to inform the Bureau of Missing Persons that the missing person’s report can be removed from circulation.

The Bedfordview Police Station is situated on 60 Van Buuren Road, Bedfordview.

The station can be contacted on 011 457 2200.

The Edenvale Police Station is situated at 104 First Avenue, contact 011 553 8600.

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