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Gauteng Health marks World Hand Hygiene Day

Health deaprtment celebrate World Hand Hygiene Day.

The Gauteng Department of Health (GDoH) joined the global community in observing World Hand Hygiene Day on May 5, emphasising the crucial role of hand hygiene in preventing the spread of diseases and protecting public health.

Under the theme ‘Promoting knowledge and capacity building of health and care workers through innovative and impactful training and education, on infection prevention and control, including hand hygiene’, the 2024 campaign aims to raise awareness about the importance of hand hygiene practises.

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Gauteng MEC for Health and Wellness Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko underscored the significance of integrating hand hygiene into daily routines, emphasising its role as a simple yet powerful tool in safeguarding well-being.

Amidst the ongoing challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and recent outbreaks such as cholera, hand hygiene has emerged as a frontline defense measure.

Proper handwashing with soap or alcohol-based sanitisers for at least 20 seconds is crucial in curbing the transmission of viruses and infections, both at home and in public settings.

As the region enters the winter months, characterised by an uptick in flu infections, the message around hand hygiene becomes even more imperative.

Nkomo-Ralehoko urged proactive measures to mitigate the spread of respiratory infections like influenza.

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Additionally, the GDoH encourages high-risk individuals, including older adults and those with underlying health conditions, to avail themselves of flu vaccinations at public clinics or healthcare facilities.

Vaccination remains a safe and effective strategy in protecting against influenza.

To reinforce awareness, the GDoH has launched a handwashing campaign across health facilities, targeting healthcare workers, patients, and the public.

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