
Celebrating Christmas in your new home

Buying your first house is very exciting. And you get to relieve that exciting feeling every time you spend a special holiday like birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas for the first time in the house.

And speaking of Christmas, are you ready to spend it in your new house for the first time ever?
Here are some ideas on how you can make your first holiday in your new home more memorable and special.

Organise a Christmas party event
It would be nice to celebrate in a big way, meaning you can organise a Christmas party for family and friends. This party can also serve as your introduction of your new home. Instead of having your annual Christmas party in a restaurant or in another venue, do it in your new home.

Come up with a theme
Since you’re having a party, go all out and think of a theme. You may pattern your theme to the design and style of your house. Is your house a classic or modern type? Anyway, come up with a theme to use for your party and decorate your house based on the theme.

Make sure to invite family and friends
You do not have to invite everyone you know, just invite your family and some closest friends. This is your way of sharing the good news that you just achieved a new milestone in your life.

Cook the food for the party
For the food at the party, it would be more ideal and special if you cooked it yourself. Prepare some of your speciality dishes to share with your guests. You can then boast to them that you’re the one who prepared everything for the party.

Share a short story about the house
During the party, you may come up with a brief speech to tell the story of your new house. You can tell your guests how you came up with the style, the colours, the choice of furniture, and artworks and so on. This way, you’re letting them know the background of your new house and it may inspire them as well.
On Christmas Day itself, it would be enough to share a meal with the entire family, say your thanks for the blessings that you achieved this year and seek continued guidance for the following days and years.
* Information obtained from

Carmen Norton

Features project managerFeatures project manager, Caxton Community Newspapers (2006 - 2020)

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