Meet Boksburg Wrestling Club’s new chairperson

The new chairperson said wrestling challenges one physically and mentally.

Bennie le Roux’s vision as the Boksburg Amateur Wrestling Club’s new chairperson is to grow the club’s membership.

Le Roux recently took over the reins from Jaco van der Mescht.

The new chairperson, who joined the club in 2022, is excited about the challenge.

“I appreciate the opportunity given to me and the rest of the management team to improve the lives of the community we are based in. Wrestling is a family sport. I find it interesting that parents normally start by entering their children at a young age and as their children move on in life, some parents remain actively involved in the sport,” said Le Roux.

Le Roux said club members are supportive of him being the new chairperson.

“They are willing to assist where they can. I am not an outsider or a stranger. Not everyone will always agree with the decisions made, but the management team will ensure that we take this club forward,” he added.

What about wrestling drives Le Roux?

“Wrestling is one of the oldest sports in the world. It challenges and grows you physically and mentally.”

Le Roux provided 10 benefits of wrestling:

• Develops athleticism
• Promotes personal responsibility
• Develops mental and emotional resilience
• Teaches about nutrition and weight management
• Develops leadership skills
• Teaches discipline and accountability
• Brings people together from all backgrounds and cultures
• Promotes self-mastery and focus
• Teaches self-defence
• Wrestling can provide opportunities to travel and further education.

Apart from growing the club’s membership base, Le Roux also wants to improve the club infrastructure and achieve good results on a local and international basis.

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