Whether your New Year’s resolution was to go on a diet, or if you just want to eat healthier, there are ways to stick to these goals while dining out.
• Instead of ordering one main dish, which may be a larger portion, order two appetisers. These smaller dishes will prevent overeating.
• If you are really craving that delicious pasta dish, ask for half of it to be put into a takeaway container. This will take care of dinner for the next evening.
• Opt for tomato-based sauces over creamy or cheese-based ones to help cut the calories and fat from your meal.
• Avoid buffets. When you are given an unlimited range of food at a buffet, eating the right amount becomes more difficult.
• Avoid empty calorie and sugary drinks. Dilute white wine with sparkling water to make a spritzer and avoid cocktails, even mocktails, as they are made with lots of sugar.
• If you want to make a healthy drink choice, stick to water, unsweetened tea or watered-down fruit juice.
• Choose meats that have been baked or steamed and not fried. Brown rice is a healthy alternative to traditional white rice, request this wherever possible.
• Exercise regularly, particularly on the day you plan to eat out, as exercise not only burns calories but curbs your appetite.