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Southern Suburbs Camera Club April winning images

If you enjoy photography and want to become a member of the club, you can join their next meeting.

Southern Suburbs Camera Club announced the winners of their April photography club meeting.

Antonio Ferreira is the junior winner for the Starting the Day photograph, Sandy van Vuuren is the senior winner for the Driftwood photograph and junior photographer, Elize Bokelmann was given a certificate of merit for the photograph titled Go Build My House.

Starting the Day by Antonio Ferreira.

Anyone interested in joining the Southern Suburbs Camera Club is welcome to attend the next live meeting to be held at Glenvista Country Club on May 9 at 18:45.

For more information, contact Clifford Els on 083 566 2456 or chairperson Anneke Preto on 084 406 4990.

Driftwood by Sandy van Vuuren.

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