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Exploiting son’s (4) deafness not a crime

Parents of a 4-year-old deaf child are still “raising R15 000 for a hearing aid” while their son has twice been given state sponsored hearing aids.

He also receives two hot meals from St Vincent school’s Feeding Scheme and also gets a disability grant.

“The school has arranged for this child to be twice fitted with free hearing aids and both times, the hearing aids have `gone missing’ on the family’s side,” revealed St Vincent School for the Deaf Principal, Ingrid Parkin.

By South African law, deaf children under the age of six are entitled to free hearing aids from the Government.

According to SAPS, begging for money under false pretences is not considered a crime especially since they do not take the child with them to beg, although it is reported that social workers have been involved. They too have to work within the confines of the system.

“When we were informed we requested that the citizen report this to the police and get a case number; however the police said that this is not a crime and that they cannot do anything. We do have a number of cases against this particular family regarding their treatment of the child,” explained Principal Parkin.

The boy is said to be in no need of any urgent medical attention, is physically and mentally well, even though he does have a sensory disability. The actions of his parents do not seem to be affecting his school work as he is said to be a smart and lively child.

Petrol Attendants nearby say that the white woman and her husband have not been seen for some days at the Boundary Lane and Comaro Street intersection in Oakdene, where they usually beg.

“The child also receives an abundance of clothes from kind donors. However, these clothes always go missing when sent home. We also send the family food parcels from time to time and when stock allows. We have, time and again, met with the family and offered counselling and support but they do not pitch up for scheduled meetings” added Parkin.

The school reportedly has also found a sponsor to pay for the child’s school fees as well as transport fees to and from school.

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