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Alberton Tuiste vir Bejaardes seniors receive early Christmas gifts

Learners from Brackenhurst Primary School visited a local old village home and showered elders with Christmas gifts. The seniors were so excited to receive gifts from the youngsters.

Alberton Tuiste vir Bejaardes residents celebrated early Christmas as Brackenhurst Primary School learners showered them with presents on November 6.


For the benefit of the citizens of Alberton Tuiste vir Bejaardes, the school made wrapped Christmas shoeboxes and gave them to the senior residents.

Every class was instructed to put together a minimum of one shoebox and include a magazine or puzzle book, tissues, soap, face towel, toothpaste, toothbrush, biscuits, and chocolate with optional extras like wet wipes or hand cream for the seniors.

101 shoeboxes were made for the old-age village residents.


Educator Melody Toy and Tanita Palm led the group of grade seven learners who visited the centre and painted the day beautiful for the elderly.


According to Melody, they missed doing this initiative since they were stopped by Covid. Giving has always been their strength as the school and the learners enjoy doing it.

“There was a lot of excitement amongst the kids and even the teachers involved were eager to return to the old-age home for the first time since Covid,” said Melody.

The learners sang Christmas songs for the elders.

It was a great success as always, and the children had a newfound appreciation for how happy the grandparents were.

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