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Good Samaritan principles are embodied at Covenant College Primary School

Join hands with Covenant College Primary School's to do good in the community.

In a world often wrapped in shadows, Covenant College Primary School proudly illuminates the path with its newest cohort of good Samaritans for 2024.

With hearts brimming with compassion and a commitment to making a difference, these exemplary learners and staff stand poised to shine their light, guided by the timeless words of Matthew 5:16.

Each year, Covenant College Primary School selects a group of individuals dedicated to embodying the spirit of the good Samaritan, selflessly reaching out to uplift and support those in need.

This year’s cohort is no exception, embodying the values of kindness, empathy, and service that lie at the core of the school’s ethos, and the call to shine one’s light extends beyond the school gates. It is a challenge issued to the entire community, inviting each member to reflect on how they can make a positive impact.

Whether through volunteering, supporting local initiatives, or extending a hand to a neighbour in need, there are countless ways for every individual to contribute to the collective brightness of our community.

Join hands with Covenant College Primary School’s good Samaritans for 2024, as together we illuminate the path towards a brighter, more compassionate future.

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