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March in support of Palestinians in Gaza

A group of protestors, most of them from the Muslim community in Bela-Bela, marched through the streets of the town last Friday morning (December 8) to show their support for Palestinians in Gaza.

A memorandum was then presented to various stakeholders in front of the Bela-Bela Magistrate Court in solidarity with the people of Palestine.

The South African Communist Party in Govan Mbeki District, together with a number of its partners in an alliance including the Muslim community of Bela-Bela, pledged unwavering solidarity with the Palestine people in their quest for justice, peace, and the end of violence.

The memorandum was handed over by the representatives of the ANC Waterberg Region, Cosatu, Sanco, the Bela-Bela Muslim Welfare, Bela-Bela Muslim Jamaat, and the Bela-Bela Islamic Centre.

Pro-Palestinian protestors march through the streets.

The memorandum stated that the daily crimes committed against Palestine people, coupled with the suffocating blockages in Gaza, have created a humanitarian crisis that has persisted far too long.

The undersigned organizations, in solidarity with Palestine, reaffirm their support for the struggles in Palestine to end apartheid and colonial occupation and for the right to independent statehood.

The organizations reaffirm their full support for the Palestine Trade Union Movement and express disappointment in the Israeli Trade Union Federation, for refusing to condemn the occupation and the daily brutalization of Palestinians.

“We call on the International Criminal Court to ensure the criminal prosecution of Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as the Israeli minister of defense and all those responsible for war crimes.”

The stakeholders also called on the International World to compel the Israeli government to lift the blockade on humanitarian aid to reach the besieged Palestinians in Gaza.

They also call on the South African Government to publicly acknowledge that Israel is an apartheid state and to break all diplomatic, trade, and other ties with Israel. They asked that those South Africans who joined the Israeli Defence Force be prosecuted.

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