Achievers Professionalism
Professionalism is the First Step to Success!
Today’s world is connected more than ever and accessibility to the world continues to improve for more and more people as business and society progress.
This means businesses can expand and operate in more markets and with foreign businesses from all over the world. Today, people have the opportunities to study, work and live in almost any part of the world where social and professional cultures differ and possibilities thrive. Here just a few things to help you on your way:
Responsibility is the obligation to satisfactorily complete a task assigned to you which has a consequent penalty for failure. You’ll need to learn and practice a range of particular skills in order to complete tasks assigned to you, to the best of your ability.
These skills will benefit you in how you organise and present your work and how to take on situations where you have been given numerous tasks to complete over a set period of time.
You’ll need to learn how to manage your time, prioritise your tasks, work hard persistently and how to present your tasks. With more practice and experience these are skills you’ll begin to master. Showing your awareness and proving your ability to pursue these principals will prove to your peers that you are capable of professionalism.
Integrity and respect
Integrity is the quality of a person who exhibits strong moral and ethical principles at work. It is the foundation on which co-workers build relationships, trust, and effective interpersonal relationships.
Central to integrity is honesty and trust and acting with honour and truthfulness. Practising integrity draws people towards you because they see you as trustworthy and dependable. Integrity is an important characteristic that employers look for in potential employees.
Respect is the due regard for the feelings, wishes and rights of others. Showing respect should be extended to everyone and learning how different people and cultures show respect is important. Constantly conveying integrity and respect is a sure-fire way to master professionalism.
Accountability is taking liability for your actions. That includes humbly accepting the consequences of your mistakes and taking criticism constructively.
When these situations occur, and they will, the ultimate display of accountability would be to acknowledge your mistakes, showing understanding and learning from them.
Then, pick yourself up and move forward more knowledgeable. This characteristic of professionalism will reveal how you handle obstacles, failures and mistakes and is an integral indicator of your personality.
Be proactive
Being proactive is a strong trait for professionals. It means you’re able to anticipate needs before they arise and figuring out how to deal with those needs in an innovative way.
To show that you’re proactive or have potential to be proactive you could arrive to work early to prepare for the day ahead, work on your time management skills so that you can complete your responsibilities on time, help others complete tasks where you can and suggest solutions to problems that haven’t been solved.
Being proactive is about being opportunistic in solving problems and improving efficiencies. This is a true mark of professionalism.
Now that you have good understanding of what it means to express professionalism in the workplace, you can begin working on all of the skills mentioned which will not only make entering the workplace a lot easier but growing and advancing a whole lot easier too.