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Community in Blue patrollers appreciated for hard work

The Douglasdale CPF handed the Community in Blue 35 hampers as a token of appreciation.

The Douglasdale Community in Blue patrollers were gifted with hampers for all their hard work.

This initiative falls under the Department of Community Safety and is making great strides in creating a safer environment for residents. According to the chairperson of the Douglasdale CPF Lizzy Mabena, the patrollers have spent much of their time working in the communities, especially in areas significantly impacted by crime. “The members will continue with their duties as per their deployment into various shopping centres,” she added.

Colonel Moeti Senna at the handover to the Community in Blue patrollers.

She elaborated that the 35 hampers were donations from residents, businesses and private security companies. The handover ceremony took place on December 22 at the Douglasdale Police Station. “We would like to take this opportunity to thank our gracious sponsors for their generous donations of these hampers, as without the continued support from our sponsors, such donations which continue to impact the lives of our team and residents, would not be possible.”

The Community in Blue patrollers appreciate the gesture.

As previously reported, the Community in Blue initiative was launched on October 28 last year. Captain Lesibana Ramashala from Gauteng Province police explained the reasons behind the programme. “We want to standardise the establishment and functioning of Community in Blue patrollers within the South African Police Service and encourage more citizens to participate in a structured way in crime prevention.” Mabena elaborated that this initiative has had an amazing impact on their communities.

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