Old roller mill recognised as a heritage site
Local landmark acknowledged by heritage association.

Heidelberg Heritage Association’s Tony Burisch awarded the latest blue plaque to Die Ou Meule in Schoeman Street on April 13, sponsored by Emis Security and Hygiene.
The building was built in the 1930s for the Heidelberg Electric Roller Mills.

David Harry Bartunsky, a Jewish businessman, was the initial owner of the mills and resided on the corner of Schoeman and Kruger streets.

Bartunsky would store his grain in the large storehouse/garage on his property. He was a miller by trade.
The roller mills would crush grain for storage and packaging. It could even be used to crush grain to produce flour.

Bartunsky’s parents were Moses Nathan and Henna Grushko Bartunsky. He was born on April 15, 1907, in Seduva, Lithuania.
He arrived in South Africa in 1925 and died on January 17, 1974 in Heidelberg. Bartunsky became a South African citizen on November 19, 1957.

He married Anne Antesorsky on April 1, 1940, in Volksrust. They had four children. Phillip, Qwen, Irwin and Herbert.
Anne was born in 1903 in Bellville and died on February 19, 1984, in Boksburg.

The Bartunskys are buried in the Wespark Jewish Cemetery in Johannesburg.