Gadgets & Technology

Need to save time? There’s an app for that…

The key to improving your productivity lies in your smartphone. That’s right, there is officially an app for everything. These are our top picks for boosting your cognitive efficiency and increasing your day to day focus.

Lumosity – Designed by actual neuroscientists, this app is brain-training at its best. Short sessions of scientific games train your memory and attention, improve problem-solving and processing speed, and flexibility in thinking. All of which are extremely useful skills in the professional world. The app also tracks your progress, allowing you to measure just how much smarter you’re getting.

Fit Brains Trainer – This is ranked the #1 educational app in more than 90 countries. Fit Brains Trainer utilizes more than 60 games and over 500 mental workout sessions designed to improve concentration and mental agility… Think of it as gym for your brain!

Happify – Happy minds are productive minds, right? That’s the premise that this app works on. It has been designed to disrupt negative thought patterns, manage stress, and build feel-good skills like empathy and gratitude through a number of games and activities.

Duolingo – Whether you dream of becoming bilingual or simply need to brush up on your conversational French (the real kind), this app offers games, pictures and video clips to teach foreign tongues.


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