They tend to be very active, running around, playing, going to school and exploring their surroundings, so it is a good idea to give them an opportunity to slow down.
Even if your child cannot fall asleep, try to set aside some quiet time during the day for relaxing.
The best way to encourage napping is to set up a routine, just as you do for bedtime.
Your preschooler, not wanting to miss out on any of the action, may resist a nap, but it is important to keep the routine firm and consistent.
Explain that this is quiet time and that you want your child to start out in bed, but that it is okay to play quietly in the bedroom if he or she cannot sleep.
How long should naps last? For however long you feel your child needs to get some rest; usually, about an hour is sufficient.
There will be times when your child has been going full tilt and will need a longer nap, and others when you hear your child chattering away, playing through the entire nap time.
If your toddler is resisting the afternoon nap, you are not alone.
Toddler sleep problems are a common complaint among parents.
While toddlers may resist sleep, most experts agree that they need a daily nap.
If your toddler is not taking his daily nap, try the following steps:
- Observe your toddler for a week or two; watch for signs of fatigue, to determine what time of day is optimal for a nap. Most toddlers, aged 18 months to three years, will take one nap in the afternoon.
- Plan some calming activities that you can do each day before nap time. If your toddler naps in the early afternoon, then you may want to give him a light lunch, play calming music, and read a book before the nap.
- Create a daily picture schedule. Include nap time and the activities preceding the nap on the schedule. This provides structure and predictability. If your child is in daycare, talk to him about creating a similar schedule.
- Require your toddler to nap in the same place he sleeps at night. If he is in daycare, provide a sleeping mat and perhaps a stuffed animal from home.
- Use room-darkening blinds or liners to block the light in the child’s room.
- Discourage the child from sleeping in the car or stroller. Even a 10-minute nap can recharge a toddler enough for them to not take a regular nap.
- Allow your toddler to have quiet time instead of nap time, if it is clear that he does not require an afternoon nap. Quiet time can include dim lights, calm music and some books or colouring. Quiet time will become more common than nap time as your toddler ages.
Sleeping problems
Preschoolers may have nightmares or night terrors, and there may be many nights when they have trouble falling asleep.
It may help if you create a “nighttime kit” to keep near your child’s bed for these times.
The kit might include a flashlight, a favorite book and a cassette or CD to play.
Explain the kit, then put it in a special place where your child can get to it in the middle of the night.
Objects like stuffed animals and blankets also can help kids to feel safe.
If your child does not have a favourite toy and getting to sleep has become consistently difficult, then it might be worth going out together to pick out a warm, soft blanket or stuffed animal.
Some parents get into the habit of lying down next to their young kids until they fall asleep.
While this may do the trick temporarily, it will not help sleeping patterns in the long term.
It is important to provide comfort and reassurance, but kids need to fall asleep independently when parents are not around.
If you establish a routine where you have to be there for your child to go to sleep, it will be difficult for both of you and unfair to your child if you start leaving beforehand.
If you are worried about your child’s sleeping patterns, talk to your doctor.
Although there is not one sure way to raise a good sleeper, most kids have the ability to sleep well and work through any sleeping problems.
The key is to try, from early on, to establish healthy bedtime habits.