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Imparting a legacy of reducing, reusing and recycling

Exploring recycling paper is one of the preventive measures of saving water.

In 2016, South Africa saw its water resources depleting quite alarmingly as a result of unfavourable weather conditions.

Exploring recycling paper is one of the preventive measures of saving water.

According to the Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa recycling one tonne of paper can save up to 26 498 litres of water.

School children have since been brought in and educated on the benefits of recycling, a campaigned championed by Mrs South Africa with Mpact Recycling.

The Mrs South Africa top 25 finalists are on the ground at the identified schools in their own communities spearheading the campaign.

Trice Mazwi, a Mrs South Africa pageant finalist, who is also encouraging the country to treat their bodies better, and the environment better, was thrilled to engage with her local school assisted by Mpact Recycling.

Mpact Recycling introduced a schools recycling programme aimed at encouraging school pupils and its communities to recycle more in a form of a competition.

Mazwi, a qualified metaphysical scientist loves the earth, the protection of the planet is important to her.

Mpact Recycling has enabled her to spread that love even further with this campaign.

In other words, this campaign and she are what one can call a match made in environmental bliss.

With funds often limited to construct these important facilities at schools, Mpact Recycling’s schools recycling programme exists to bridge this gap.

In order to win, the community and its school needs to collect enough paper.

Collecting used paper can help schools, families and communities to raise money for the things that are important.

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