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Trees planted at local school

Bertharry English Private School in Tembisa observed Arbor week.

Staff members of AFGRI’s Shared Services Department planted 50 trees at Bertharry English Private School in Tembisa on September 8.

The company’s corporate social investment manager Mr Mpati Mojapelo said this was done as part of their departmental community initiative in support of international Arbor Week.

“Corporate Social Investment (CSI) is an integral part of our business. The company invests various resources (money, equipment and volunteering time) in a variety of community initiatives throughout its operational areas with the aim of stimulating and supporting social and economic upliftment,” said Mr Mojapelo.

He said the company identified the need for trees at the school, for shade and beautifying the school premises and as a result the company donated 50 trees to be planted at the school.

“As part of the company’s employee community volunteering programme the employees volunteered their time and energy to plant the trees. The employees spent the day at the school planting and watering trees.

“The company believes that the trees will be beneficial to the school in the long run and the learners will continue to take care of the environment,” said Mr Mojapelo.

“The company takes its responsibility of transformation and empowerment of the communities in which it operates throughout South Africa, seriously and always strives to make a meaningful contribution to the improvement of the quality of life for communities.”

“We thank the leadership of Bertharry English Private School for agreeing to host our employees at their school and for the warm welcome from the teachers and learners alike,” said Mr Mojapelo.

The school’s principal Mr Harry Kumwenda said the school would like to thank AFGRI for the gesture.

“The trees are going to help in beautifying the school, creating shade, giving us some fresh air and controlling the dust that has been bothering for a long time.

“This will make the environment conducive for teaching and learning,” said the principal.

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