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Expressway traffic lights a provincial department issue – CoE

In 10 minutes at the intersection over 40 vehicles, ranging from light motor vehicles to large trucks, failed to stop at the intersection.

The City of Ekurhuleni has confirmed that maintenance of traffic lights along the R21 Expressway and the R23 is the responsibility of the Gauteng provincial department.

In the May 16 edition of the Kempton Express, it was reported that complaints about the dangerous intersection had been received for months.

Kempton Park resident Marjan Fourie said she makes use of the R21 Expressway daily.

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“The traffic lights, especially those at the intersection of the expressway and the R23, have not worked for a year.

“So many people fail to stop at the massive intersection. It’s only a matter of time before someone is killed,” said Fourie.

“The non-functioning traffic lights make navigation through the intricate intersection very challenging, especially during peak traffic hours or at night,” she said.

The Express spent 10 minutes at the intersection, and over 40 vehicles, ranging from light motor vehicles to large trucks, failed to stop at the non-functioning traffic lights. Two near collisions were witnessed.

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“I have nearly been involved in five crashes because motorists fail to stop at this intersection,” said Fourie.

Spokesperson for the CoE Zweli Dlamini said the intersection falls under the jurisdiction of the province.

“The city has no actual jurisdiction over the matter but we are aware that the traffic signals are not working. We have repeatedly reported this matter to the provincial department of transport,” said Dlamini.

He also confirmed that on April 23, officials from the city and the provincial department held a site meeting.

“It was established that the controller for the intersection was missing. We will continue to persuade the province to attend to the problem. Vandalism and theft continue to be a nightmare for the authorities and communities alike,” said Dlamini.

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He added that repainting of the road marking also fell within the jurisdiction of the provincial department.

“The city cannot step in at the moment due to the current arrangements between the city and the provincial department.”

The Kempton Express still awaits comment from the provincial department.

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