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Victims have right to counselling

A rape victim has the right to counselling after the incident, according to the department of health.

POLOKWANE – A rape victim has the right to counselling after the incident, according to the department of health.

This was said in light of a recent incident, where a 20-year-old rape victim from Westenburg did not receive any counselling after the incident.

After reporting the case to the Westenburg police, the woman was taken to the Seshego Hospital, where she was examined by a male doctor.

Adelé van der Linde, spokesperson for the department of health says a rape victim will be examined by the doctor on call as soon as possibel to ensure all the evidence is collected for the rape kit. The victim will also receive treatment as soon as possible.

“Unfortunately, it is not always possible for a female doctor to be available,” Van der Linde explains.

The woman did not receive counselling or any antibiotics to prevent Sexual Transmitted Infections (STI).

“At the hospital, the doctor examined me and the nurse gave me two pregnancy prevention tablets. I had to take one immediately and the other one after 12 hours. They also gave me antiretroviral treatment that I must drink for 28 days,” says the woman.

Van der Linde says an arrangement was made with the woman to return to the hospital on the Monday after the incident for counselling and to receive her antibiotics, but she never returned. “In general, if the incident took place in the late hours of Saturday evening or Sunday morning, the victim is suppose to be asked to come back at a time when counsellors are present. The doctor and nurses were suppose to inform the victim when to return. The police could also have assisted with the counselling process if the case was reported to them,” she said.

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