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Bully-victim shares his story

Bullies are as old as time, come in various shapes and sizes and more often than not, the bully himself has a low self-image and self-esteem. Review spoke to a young victim of a bully, Ronald*, to hear his story.

POLOKWANE – “Ever since I was in Gr R, I went to this one government school. While in Gr 1, there were these two boys who threw me with stones. I told my mom who went to my teacher and she asked my mom not to go to the head of the school. The bully stopped but when I went to Gr 2, another boy would start to bully me. He is much bigger than me and used to hit me on the chest. He would even pick me up by my neck.”

Ronald later on started to pretend he is sick so that his mom could come and fetch him from school. Later on, he became really sick from anxiety. His mom paid a visit to the Head of the School who told her that Ronald is only looking for attention and making up stories because she is a single mom and could not provide enough attention for him. This after he had some bruises all over his body from being hit by the bully.


“My mom took me out of this school and placed me in a private school. Here I was bullied because the other children thought I was overweight and because I did not own very expensive things. The bully insulted the way I dress, and made me his victim. Every time I had an answer wrong, I was bullied. I started to stand up for myself and my mom taught me that if someone can hand out punches and insults, he should be able to take it. Even though his behaviour made me sad, it also boosted me. I started to perform better just to prove a point. My academics improved but the bully did not stop and my mom took me out of the private school and placed me in a government school again.”

Ronald started the new term in a new school, closer to his home. Here a boy grabbed him by his throat and when his mom complained to the school, the matter was resolved immediately. The teachers are aware of everything going on and bullies are not tolerated. Children who are found guilty of bullying receive an immediate warning.

“All the bulling influenced my self-esteem and I struggle to make new friends and tend to withdraw. Bullying has however made me stronger and I still excel in my academics. I still have a long road ahead in the school and I hope that I will be strong enough to face the bullies. My advice to others is to talk to someone close to you and to not give up. Turn your back on the bullies and show them what you can achieve. Remember the Lord stays in control.”

*Pseudonym to protect the person’s identity.

Following the death of Thorisho Kgomo, the stabbing of two learners from Hoërskool Noordeland as well as other incidents of violence, five residents have banded together to work on changing the mindset about bullying in the city – Read more

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