
Nasa astronaut to give a talk at Saxonwold Primary School

SAXONWOLD – Don Thomas will give a talk at Saxonwold Primary School to highlight the importance of science, maths and technology.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) astronaut Don Thomas will travel around the country to give a series of talks about the importance of science, technology and maths.

Thomas will participate in the Living Maths Space Tour and will be giving a talk at Saxonwold Primary School on 8 November.

During his seven years with Nasa, Thomas completed four shuttle missions, logging more than 1 040 hours of adventuring in space. His inaugural mission aboard the STS-65 Columbia in July 1994 set a new flight duration record for the US Space Shuttle programme with 236 orbits of the earth.

Living Maths is a non-governmental organisation focused on science, technology, engineering and maths.

Steve Sherman, chief imagination officer at Living Maths said, “Our mission is to inspire and excite South African children about science, technology, engineering and maths. Space is undoubtedly one of those key topics that can ignite a lifelong passion for these subjects.

“The Space Tour will be a rare and special opportunity for the daydreamers, the imagineers, the scientists and the curious in our country to learn more and be inspired.”

Thomas said he wanted to take part in the Living Maths Space Tour because he felt a sense of responsibility to share his experiences with others as well as what he considered important lessons to teach others.

“I am keenly interested in having humans set foot on Mars in the future. I know I am too old myself to undertake a mission to Mars 20 years from now, but I hope I can excite and inspire your young learners to follow in my footsteps and perhaps become future Mars explorers.”

Details: The talk will take place from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. Tickets are available through Webtickets

Further information is available at

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