‘Legless’ beggar fools motorists
The video footage showed the beggar squatting in the middle of the road with his feet and legs tucked inside a reflector jacket and t-shirt.

Motorists will be shocked by the news that the legless beggar, often spotted on Glenhove Road, Houghton, has fooled them all along.
Until now, the “amputee” has successfully duped people into believing that he was disabled.
The beggar was caught on camera in Glenhove Road by security guard Emmanuel Manwadu, who was patrolling the area.
The video footage showed the beggar squatting in the middle of the road with his feet and legs tucked inside a reflector jacket and t-shirt.
Manwadu said, “He is not crippled at all and I always knew this. I spoke to him on Sunday and he pretended to be crippled, but I ordered him to stand up and go.”
The beggar then stood up on his feet, and walked away.
On several occasions the beggar would wait at the intersections and robots in Jan Smuts Avenue, Corlett Drive, Riviera Road and Glenhove Road, and sympathetic motorists would stop to throw coins in a container.
Manwadu said the beggar is known as Zondo, and he is from Newcastle in Kwa-Zulu Natal. He added that there were many beggars pretending to be disabled.
At a recent community meeting in Parkview, ward councillor Amanda Forsythe said she was touched by the plight of the said beggar and she asked if there was anything that could be done to help him. However, when a security guard told her that the man was pretending to be disabled, she was shocked.
She then said that people should not give money to beggars because it “perpetuates the problem”, and she suggested that a “multi-pronged approach” is needed to address this problem.
Community Safety Forum chairperson Costa Vranas commented, “I for one have stopped giving to the people at the robots; I am now giving to charities.”