
City Power to fast track the Token Identifier (TID) programme

City Power customers will from April 15 recode their own meters using an automated system.

To fastrack the rollout of the token identifier (TID) programme, City Power customers will from Monday, April 15 recode their meters using an automated system.

City Power’s spokesperson Isaac Mangena said, “This smooth and effortless process will ensure that metering codes are upgraded through a do-it-yourself (DIY) method, to ensure that on November 29, all prepaid meters are fully converted. Along with metering conversion, City Power has also been rolling out meter auditing simultaneously.”

He added that due to delays caused by customers refusing City Power’s agents access to their homes over security concerns, the power utility decided to implement the DIY initiative. It’s important to note that without this upgrade, customers will no longer be able to top up their electricity units after the November deadline.

To recode your prepaid meter, follow these three easy steps below:

  • Key in the first 20 digits of your recode token and wait for it to be accepted.
  • Key in the second 20 digits of your recode token and wait for it to be accepted.
  • Very important last step: Key in the 20 digits of your purchased token to recharge your meter.

While this process is something that customers can easily do on their own, City Power technicians will be on standby in your area to assist those who might encounter some challenges in the process of recording their meters.

From April 15, the electronic process of upgrading meters will be active in the following areas under the Inner City Service Delivery Centre:

Area – Start Date – End Date
Kensington Apr 15-Apr 24
Norwood Apr 15-Apr 17
Oaklands Apr 15 -Apr 17
The Gardens Apr 15 -Apr 17
Fairmount Apr 17 – Apr 19
Fairvale Apr 17 – Apr 19
Fairview Apr 17 – Apr 19
Fairwood Apr 17 -Apr 19
Fellside Apr 17- Apr 19
Glenhazel Apr 17 – Apr 19
Sandringham Apr 19 -Apr 22
Sydenham Apr 19-Apr 24
Orange Grove Apr 24 Apr 30

City Power urged customers to take advantage of this opportunity to get their meters converted using a convenient method before the fast-approaching deadline.

Mangena noted that meanwhile, the power entity still appeals to customers to grant the City Power teams access to their properties for meter auditing.

“The teams are easily identifiable, as they wear yellow TID-branded bibs or T-shirts and carry valid ID cards with their photo, name, and surname, as well as an expiry date. City Power is aware that criminals use counterfeit meter reading credentials to enter residential homes to rob unsuspecting customers.”

To ensure that they don’t fall prey to this crime, customers may verify the TID agents’ credentials by calling the number reflected on their branded bibs or valid ID cards. As this service is provided at no cost, customers are cautioned not to pay for TID meter resetting.

Customers are urged to report suspicious activities such as being asked to pay for meter resetting service, when people at their doorsteps are not wearing TID-branded clothing and have no ID cards.

For support during this period, City Power’s contact centre is available at 080 020 2925 or 011 490 7484. Service Delivery Centers (SDCs) customer desks are also available to assist customers during the programme.

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