Crawford Sandton strides towards sustainability

Instilling a sense of environmental responsibility is not merely a choice; it is an imperative for the survival of our planet.

Crawford International Sandton continues its eco-friendly mission in 2024, in collaboration with the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa.

According to Bianca Fleishman, the client experience officer at the school, this partnership aims to instil a sense of environmental responsibility within the school community while contributing to broader sustainability initiatives.

“Crawford International Sandton, known for its commitment to holistic education, recognises the need to address environmental challenges. One of the key aspects of this eco mission is the incorporation of sustainable practices into the daily operations of the school.”

Fleishman added the partnership with the society extended beyond the school gates, involving learners in community-based projects.

“This hands-on approach not only enriches learners’ educational experience but also fosters a deep appreciation for the environment and biodiversity. The commitment to sustainability is not limited to the present; the school is investing in the future by cultivating a green mindset among its learners.”

She said the hope was that these young minds would carry their environmental awareness into their future endeavours, creating a ripple effect of positive change in society.

“Through education, community engagement, and practical initiatives, the eco mission sets the stage for a brighter, greener future, one where individuals are empowered to make a positive impact on the environment.”

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