
Rain spoils Gauteng Development League games

RESA didn’t just sit back as they also created a few scoring opportunities but failed to convert them into goals. 

VEREENIGING.- Rain spoiled what could have been a great day of football when RESA hosted SuperSport United in the Gauteng Development League at President Park in Vereeniging on Saturday.

The day’s fixture kicked off with the u/13 with SuperSport United beating the home team 3-1. It was a great advert for the development of football with parents coming to watch their children. United came into this game with clear intentions, to collect three points and they did just that as they dominated the proceeding; however, the home teams showed their ‘never-die’ spirit as they kept on fighting until the last whistle.

RESA didn’t just sit back as they also created a few scoring opportunities but failed to convert them into goals. In the second game of the day, SuperSport U/15 was leading RESA 5-0 when the match was stopped due to rain. The game went to halftime with United leading 3-0 and in the second half, they began where they left off scoring two goals.

The referee had to stop the game due to rain United leading 5-0.

The u/17 and u/19 games had to be canceled due to the rain as well. Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sport, SuperSport United u/15 coach Michie Niel said he was happy with his team’s overall performance before the match was stopped.

“It was a great game of football especially in the first half even though we started slow. We were up against a good team and they had a good game plan. I was pleased with how we played even though we could have done better, especially on the final third but these are some of the things we will work on when we go back to training. At their age, we can’t fault them because they are in the learning stages of their careers,” said Niel.



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