Spar School Stars

Junior & Senior Primary
Phillip Sevenster
Suid-Natal Primêre Skool
Phillip speel graag sport - en musiek
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Phillip Sevenster is ‘n Graad 7 leerder by Suid-Natal Primêre Skool.
Hy is ‘n bok vir sport, hou van grappe maak en as jy die tyd met hom spandeer ontdek jy sy hart van goud.
Phillip geniet dit om rugby te speel en blink uit in gewigstoot!
Hy spandeer graag tyd met vriende, kyk TV en luister musiek.
Kirk Hammet, die ritmiese kitaar speler van Metallica, is Phillip se rolmodel en die rede hoekom Phillip so graag kitaar speel.
Phillip luister na hulle musiek en oefen dan om self die liedjie te kan speel.
Wanneer Phillip groot is wil hy graag sy eie orkes begin!
Mayenziwe Syamthanda Phungula
Port Shepstone Senior Primary
Mayenziwe loves singing, swimming and games
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Mayenziwe Syamthanda Phungula is a grade 4 pupil at Port Shepstone Senior Primary.
He loves singing, swimming and playing games.
He also loves going to church, watching movies, going to the beach and sharing stories with his grandmother.
Mayenziwe, better known as Yenzi, says his favourite subject at school is English.
His favourite foods include braaied meat, cakes, dumplings, waffles and macaroni cheese.
He says he looks up to his father and Yanga from Idols, who was the season 15 winner.
Aphila Nkululeko Mtolo
Port Shepstone Primary
Aphila has big goals in life
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Aphila Nkululeko Mtolo is a 13 year old learner at Port Shepstone Primary.
He has grown up to love soccer and is passionate about animals.
He also loves going out with his brother and they spend most of their time together.
Aphila’s favourite soccer team is Orlando Pirates and he is a big fan of Thembinkosi Lorch.
If he is not playing video games or spending time with his brother he can be found playing soccer with his friends.
His favourite subject is life sciences and he is really good at it.
When he grows up he wants to be a lawyer.
His favourite foods are pizza and burgers, with a bubblegum flavoured milkshake on the side.
He says his role model is his father.
Alex Labuschagne
Izotsha Primary
Record-breaking Alex set for swimming success
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Alex Labuschagne is a Grade 6 pupil at Izotsha Primary.
She’s someone who has grown up in a swimming household of some note, and is doing her best to emulate her older sister, Samantha.
Alex has broken all the records so far at Izotsha at various inter house galas.
She has also broken records at various South Coast inter school galas.
The one record she has not yet broken is that of her sister’s individual medley, but she is only a second off.
Alex was chosen for the KZN team on two occasions and has also qualified to compete in the SA Juniors gala, one of the youngest in the province to do so.
She can run too, and broke a 26 year old record in the 100m sprint.
She’s a top hockey player as well but unfortunately hockey clashes with swimming.
Alex lives for her sport. When she’s not in the pool, she enjoys spending time with Rottweiler, Morgan.
Her favourite strokes are freestyle and backstroke and while her sister is her role model and idol, there’s nothing she wants more than to beat her in the pool!
Her favourite food is ribs, with a Bar One flavoured milkshake.
Banoyolo Booi
South Coast Academy
Physical disability no crutch for Banoyolo
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In 2014, South Coast Academy received an application from a learner by the name of Banoyolo Booi.
On the application form it was indicated that he has a primary barrier to learning: 13.
The number 13 was to indicate that the learner was physically disabled.
The school contacted his mother and explained that it was not equipped for a learner with a disability, due to its stairs, etc.
Management and the HOD at the time asked for an interview with the learner and his parents.
The staff remember it clearly: they were expecting a little boy who battled to walk to come through the door.
Instead, an explosion of energy on two crutches, which by the way have had to be repaired and replaced many times during his school years, came swinging along through the gate of the school.
Banoyolo has taken part in athletics, swimming, Gymbo Kids and has even danced in the school concert.
He is now in Grade 7 and is a prefect. He never complains, nor has he ever been absent form school without a very good reason.
Yes, he is disabled but has proven to all his peers that it is merely a word!
Drew Stott
Curro Creston College
Drew flies high in debut race
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Andrew Stott is in Grade 1 at Creston College.
The seven year-old, nicknamed Drew, is already showing some skill and determination on his KTM 50SX motorbike.
He recently took part in his first moto-x race at Thunder Valley track in Pietermaritzburg and emerged the winner.
He had to ride in three motos of 10 minutes each and managed, after some exciting competitive racing, to take first place in each heat, thus winning the race.
Drew is passionate about the sport, loves being on the bike, competing, and having fun with his friends.
The active, relaxed and happy boy has thrived at Creston College where he also takes part in cricket and swimming.
He’s looking forward to school sport making a comeback soon.
Drew raced in a couple of school and club galas in the first term and was an age group winner at the Creston College inter-house gala and at the Blue Ocean Aquatics gala earlier this year.
In the classroom his favourite subject is mathematics, particularly using the NumberSense programme.
At home, he likes relaxing with his family, playing with friends, riding his motorbike (of course) and playing with his two ridgeback dogs, Blaze and Skye.
Júvan Labuschagne
Suid-Natal Primêre Skool
Juvan het 'n groot liefde vir diere
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Júvan Labuschagne is ‘n Graad 7 leerder by Suid-Natal Primêre Skool.
Hy is reeds vanaf Graad R ‘n trotse Suidie.
Hy neem graag deel aan rugby, krieket en swem.
Júvan het ‘n groot liefde vir diere en sy gunstelling troeteldier is sy krimpvarkie ‘Spike’ en klaarblyklik ‘n waardige opponent met PlayStation as daar nie ‘online’ vriende beskikbaar is nie.
Hoewel die inperking baie negatiewe reaksie uitgelok het, is Júvan ewig dankbaar dat hy so baie kwaliteit tyd saam met sy pa, wie in die buiteland werk en kort periodes huis toe kan kom en wie ook sy rolmodel is, kon spandeer.
Lwazi Nyawose
Hlanganani Preparatory
Humble Lwazi loves soccer
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Lwazi Nyawose is a Grade 4 learner at Hlanganani Preparatory.
He started at the school in Grade R and has made steady progress. His work is very neat and does his best to get good marks.
Lwazi’s competitive spirit in soccer is very impressive and he strives to improve in every game he plays.
It was no surprise that his teacher made him a captain of the class, as he shows leadership qualities.
He is a humble boy who is always helpful to his peers.
Siyamthanda Nzimakwe
Megan du Plessis Special Needs Centre
Cheerful Siyamthanda teaches life lessons
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Siyamthanda Nzimakwe (12) of Megan du Plessis Special Needs Centre is a very friendly boy, who has unfortunately never been able to learn to read and write.
Verbally, he is a capable youngster who keeps everyone on their toes with his many questions about God, the devil, as well as the who, what and why of everyday life.
He teaches some good life lessons and his amazing outlook on life makes him am extremely likable person.
Siyamthanda is very independent – he cooks, does his own washing (he believes using a washing machine is cheating) and gets most upset when it rains – because his washing at home on the line may get wet!
His wish is for the centre to adopt a uniform so that everyone can see where he belongs.
Jolin Smith
Suid-Natal Primêre Skool
Jolin is 'n trotse ambassadeur
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Jolin Smith is ‘n Graad 7 leerder by Suid-Natal Primêre Skool.
Hy is reeds vanaf Graad R ‘n Suidie en is ‘n trotse ambassadeur van die skool.
Jolin doen uitstekend in sy akademie en het ‘n kop vir syfers.
Hy het ‘n baie breë algemene kennis en geniet dit om feite uit te ruil. Hy geniet sport deelname.
Jolin het so tydjie terug ‘n persoonlike oorwinning behaal toe hy saam met sy gesin gaan bergklim het.
Hy was nog altyd skrikkerig vir hoogtes maar het deurgedruk en die kruin bereik. Daar het hy besef aanhouer wen, al voel dit of jy wil tou opgooi.
Hy sien uit na Hoërskool volgende jaar en wil almal aanmoedig om aan te hou droom en doen al is ons in die middel van ‘n Covid-19 epidemie.
Kate Chivers
Curro Creston College
Songbird Kate is 'one of a kind'
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Kate Chivers (7) of Curro Creston College is a ‘one of a kind’, extraordinary girl.
She is an extremely dedicated learner and received full marks for all her spelling tests this year.
No mathematical problem is too daunting for her and she tackles it with confidence and solves it with ease.
She authored a book for her little sister in February which left her teacher at a loss for words.
Every now and again she also writes a letter to me that instantly melts hearts of those who read it.
Not even lockdown could dampen her spirit; she composed and sang the most beautiful lockdown song.
She has an angelic, rich and voluminous voice, which one cannot believe comes from such a petite little body.
She is hosting a concert on August 28 with the accomplished singer/songwriter, Creston teacher and actor Sivuyile Jengu.
Besides being extremely talented she loves to be a normal seven-year-old little girl and is popular with her peers.
High School
Zariké Gouws
Hoërskool Suid-Natal
Zarike is 'n Suidie ster
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Zariké Gouws is ‘n graad 11 leerder by Hoërskool Suid-Natal.
Sy is gekies as onderhoogdogter vir 2021 en het ingestaan as VLR in 2019.
Die veelsydige leerder het uitgestaan in die Grondwoorde gedigtekompetisie 2020; die Redenaars ATKV (semi-finale) 2019; die EG Jansen Redenaars 2020 (voorbereid en onvoorbereid); Rotary Team talk 2020; Snakfees 2019; Klub 100 2017-2020 en Conspirito Eisteddfod 2020.
Sy is ‘n item wenner in Afrikaanse gedigte voordrag en Engelse gedigte voordrag.
Zariké is ook betrokke by noodhulp gedurende 2019 en 2020.
Ondela Mtati
Curro Creston College
Ondela leads with vision and confidence
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With the majority of the cultural and sporting activities of 2020 having been brought to an unexpected halt, 2021, in comparison is hoped to be a much more promising year.
Ondela Mtati, the head boy at South City Christian College for 2010, is hoping for a year in which every pupil acquires a drive and incentive to strive for and continually move towards excellence in all aspects in and out of the campus.
He hopes that, through his determined actions, to evoke in every pupil growth toward Christ and positive change in the school, with the Almighty by his side.
Ondela is confident that 2021 will be a manifestation of the vision and mission in which the school collectively makes a move in developing a Christ-centred foundation, spreading and preserving love for one another, maintaining integrity and tolerance, and fully committing itself through self-motivation in all that it does.
It’s a vision and mission he has adopted and which his school has proudly maintained for so long.
Nosipho Shinga
Marburg Secondary
Nosipho has legal eagle aspirations
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Nosipho Shinga (14) is a grade 8 pupil at Marburg Secondary.
Nosipho loves church and attends every Sunday. She likes spending time with her friends and loves reading books.
Her favourite sport is netball and she also loves swimming.
She listens to lots of music and watches a lot of movies.
She says her favourite subject is EMS and she wants to be a lawyer when she grows up.
Nhlonipho Shezi
Port Shepstone High
Nhlonipho inspires greatness
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Keytin Vorster of Suid-Natal High is a remarkable young man who has worked hard to achieve in every aspect of his life.
He is the head boy of the school’s LSEN section.
Keytin is a very talented swimmer who has rewritten record books in the pool throughout his life.
He has swum at a national level, representing KwaZulu-Natal on many occasions.
Keytin was selected to play first team rugby for the school and was a certainty for the KZN Craven Week LSEN schools team.
He has excelled in his academic and practical subjects and is currently attending a practical work experience training course in the field of engineering.
If not for Covid-19 he would most likely have achieved Ugu colours for shot put, like he did last year.
Merishka Moodley
Marburg Secondary
Musical Merishka does Marsec proud
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Young in age, but mature in thought and deed, Merishka Moodley (17), is a bookworm of note.
She is currently a matriculant at Marburg Secondary.
Merishka has had many academic achievements since primary school.
She received numerous distinction awards in accounting, business studies, maths, Afrikaans and life orientation.
Among these accolades she scooped Marburg Secondary’s commerce student of the year award in 2018.
She participated in the school’s recycling competition and the local welfare toy run.
Merishka is determined to receive her desired results with a strong focus and hard work.
She is fond of her guitar and harmonium, having pursued her talent for guitar at an early age.
Later she joined the Sa Re Ga Ma music school, where she graduated in learning the art of playing the harmonium. She was part of a successful CD launch.
Merishka enjoys a fusion of eastern and western music and admits that her favourite artist is Chris Brown.
She thrives on mum’s advice: “Remember that success is a journey and not a destination. If you put God first, today’s success will be the beginning of tomorrow’s achievements.”
Luné Arlow
Curro Creston College
Dux pupil Luné a wonderful ambassador
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Luné Arlow is the dux pupil at Creston College for 2020.
She also achieved academic honours, along with merit certificates in accountancy, Afrikaans, English, life orientation, life sciences, mathematics and physical sciences.
She was placed first in Afrikaans and accounting.
In 2019 she was a first team soccer player and was awarded the most improved player of the year.
Luné was a valuable member of the swimming team and an avid netball player.
She played for the first team, as well as receiving her KwaZulu-Natal U23 colours for indoor netball.
Luné was an admirable and respected prefect, well liked by her teachers and peers.
She has been an excellent ambassador for Creston College.
Dian Venter
Hoërskool Suid-Natal
Veelsydige Dian skitter op alle fronte
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Dian Venter is ‘n 15 jaarige Graad 9 leerling by Hoërskool Suid-Natal.
Hy het die jaar deelgeneem aan die interhuis skool gala en het in al sy items eerste plekke behaal in sy ouderdoms groep, asook ‘n record gebreek en was aangekondig as Junior Victor Ludorum vir die jaar.
Hy het deelgeneem aan die skool Ugu swem proewe en het die Southern KZN Aquatics Span behaal, sy kleure ontvang en is ook gekies om Ugu distrik te verteenwoordig by die KZN proewe wat in April sou plaasvind maar uitgestel was as gevolg van Covid-19.
Hy het ook deel geneem aan die KZN Level 1 Provincial Championship die jaar en het met goue en silwer medaljes weggestap.
Verder behoort hy aan ‘n swem klub en neem ook deel aan Ugu age group galas waarin hy altyd sy ‘persoonlike beste’ tye verbeter.
Dian behaal elke kwartaal ‘top 10’ in sy graad.
In Gr 8 het hy sy halwe kleure ontvang vir akademie en het in meeste van sy vakke onderskeidings behaal.
Hy is deel van die Club 100 in sy skool.
Dian het die jaar deelgeneem aan die Con Spirito: Eisteddfod en het baie goed gevaar.
Hy is as itemwenner aangekondig vir drie van sy kunsstukke en is genooi na die Forte Rondte om KZN teverteenwoordig, en om deel te neem aan die Forte Rondte vir sy Afrikaanse en Engelse gedramatiseerde gedigte.
Hy is deel van die 1ste skaakspan, het verlede jaar die Sayidi skaak span behaal en neem ook deel aan Landsdiens.
Fynn Weber
Port Shepstone High
Fynn Weber continues to inspire
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Fynn Weber is Port Shepstone High’s deputy head boy, overseeing discipline, and is the epitome of calm leadership.
He was elected as the head of the Representative Council of Leaders in 2019, and sat as a representative on the school governing body.
He has shone in the academic realm, winning the junior maths tournament, receiving academic colours and aiming for honours this year.
It is however, on the sports field where Fynn truly loves to be.
He is a talented all-rounder, enjoying hockey, rugby, soccer, touch rugby and cricket – featuring in the first team for all.
He has received numerous distinctions for his prowess on the sports field and his passion for sport is infectious.
In his limited spare time, Fynn enjoys fishing, hunting, playing video games and catching up with his friends.
He has his sights set on studying civil engineering next year and credits Barney van Rensburg, his engineering graphics and design teacher for inspiring him to make this career choice.
Fynn is grateful to his parents, who have supported him throughout his life and raised him to be the remarkable young man he is today.
Jeandré Joubert
Southcity Christian School
On eagle's wings for Jeandré
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Jeandré Joubert, the headboy at Southcity Christian School has a wonderful opportunity next year, having accepted a scholarship based on academics, swimming and leadership at Emmanuel Christian College in the USA.
It’s a big step, especially considering that when he finished his grade 11 year, he had made no real plans towards his tertiary education.
He did some research and look at universities in South Africa and abroad.
He filled in the recruitment form and was more than a bit surprised when he was offered the scholarship.
Jeandré intends going into the medical field and is also looking forward to pursuing his swimming career.
Although he will be leaving coast and country, his hopes to return one day to invest what he learns.
He has faith in God that this is the right path for him to take at this stage of his life.
Keytin Vorster
Hoërskool Suid-Natal
Keytin makes waves in the pool
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Keytin Vorster of Suid-Natal High is a remarkable young man who has worked hard to achieve in every aspect of his life.
He is the head boy of the school’s LSEN section.
Keytin is a very talented swimmer who has rewritten record books in the pool throughout his life.
He has swum at a national level, representing KwaZulu-Natal on many occasions.
Keytin was selected to play first team rugby for the school and was a certainty for the KZN Craven Week LSEN schools team.
He has excelled in his academic and practical subjects and is currently attending a practical work experience training course in the field of engineering.
If not for Covid-19 he would most likely have achieved Ugu colours for shot put, like he did last year.
Ntobeko Ngwekazi
Megan du Plessis Special Needs Centre
Polite, friendly Ntobeko loves to run
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Ntobeko Ngwekazi is one of the friendliest, most polite, helpful and cheerful learners at the Megan du Plessis Special Needs Centre.
He is diligent, quiet and can run, seemingly forever.
He is a also very practical young man who can do almost anything with his hands.
The craft work done in the senior section is in good hands when he is around.
During cross country on Shelford Farm, once a week, Ntobeko shows the rest how it’s done.
While everyone is huffing and puffing up the hills he runs on the spot, waiting for everyone to arrive at last.
What a pleasure it is to have him at the centre.

Thank you for voting for your Spar Superstar and for giving them a chance to win a SPAR Voucher
Voting for the second quarter winners closes on November 16 2020 at noon
One Junior/ Senior Primary winner and one High School winner will be chosen based on number of votes. Maximum 1 vote per person
Look out for the Spar Superstar winners in the South Coast Herald November 27th edition