On May 19 at about 1.15pm, I was parked on Altham Place, Robertsham, facing towards Alamein Road. A white car, possibly a VW Polo Classic or a similar car, approached quite fast from the rear, then overtook me and sped off ahead of me.
I was not actually suspicious at the time as I always visited an elderly church friend and on this particular day, I offered to attend to light wiring in her granny flat. I did not see or notice the occupants or anyone inside the car.
The lady arrived at about 1:30 pm and I parked my car in her driveway and locked the doors and windows. The driveway gate was locked with a heavy padlock.
I got busy in the granny flat at the back of the house and went to my car again at about 2:30 pm and it was still there. However, after I had finished my work and had had a small meal I left to go to my car and was shocked to find it had been stolen. It was after 6 pm. The padlock on the gate had been cut off and the gate was opened, my car was stolen and the gate left shut again.
I am almost sure the occupant of the white car driving past me several times had something to do with it. A few years ago I was advised that Robertsham was a high crime area but I had no problem in the past. The area between Altham Place and the road running parallel to it in a V direction is frequented by many people who seem quite harmless and familiar with the surrounding. However, these roads seem unusually quiet in the afternoons and at weekends when possibly fewer policemen are on duty.
Booysens SAPS took my statement. Sadly I rarely see SAPS patrolling anywhere near these roads. Will the new and latest elections make any difference whatsoever in affording heavily taxed residents any protection at all?
Mervyn Valayathum
WARNING: Look out for bogus cops in white VW Polo
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