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Uncle Baboo and crew continue to help the less fortunate

Uncle Baboo thanked all the volunteers and sponsors who helped.

Come rain or sunshine Uncle Baboo and crew are always dedicated and won’t let the weather stop them.

On February 11, in the rain, Uncle Baboo and crew prepared two dhegs of chicken akhni, packaged it and went to Mayfair/Fordsburg area near the BP garage.

Three hundred people eagerly awaited their hot meal. Once their meals were distributed, they headed to Fiestas and handed out the food there.

Due to the heavy rains, they had to pack up but continued to Bellavista Old Age Homes where the remaining food was distributed.

Uncle Baboo dishing out food.

The next stop was Southdale Shopping Centre where food was handed out to the car guards.

“They came running to us because in this miserable weather, they knew they were going to be well fed. A special thank you to our generous sponsors and all volunteers for their time and dedication,” said Uncle Baboo.

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