
Thank you to voters

As an elected councillor I pledge to represent all the people in my ward and municipality

I would like to personally thank the voters who reside in Ward 56 of Johannesburg for once again placing their faith in the Democratic Alliance.

The DA managed to retain the ward with 66.1 per cent of the vote. I plan to repay the faith the people have placed in the party by serving them to the best of my ability.

The DA holds its councillors to a high standard and as an elected councillor I pledge to: work towards the goals set out in the DA’s Local Government Manifesto, represent all the people in my ward and municipality, be responsive to the needs of the people of my community, be available at all reasonable hours and, in everything I do, have the highest level of personal integrity and professional behaviour.

If anyone needs to contact me regarding issues in the ward, my number is 083 383 6366 or email on crichton.michael@yahoo.com. Please ensure that you have reported the issue to the City and have a reference number from them.

Clr Michael Crichton, DA Councillor-elect for Ward 56

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