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School shoes donated to local underprivileged learners

This was the organisation's way of empowering the learners and encouraging them to work hard to reach their full potential regardless of their irrespective backgrounds.

As part of their yearly community outreach programme, Bridge Builders together with the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) decided to extend a helping hand by donating school shoes to underprivileged learners.

The donations took place at Klipspruit-Wes Secondary School and Goudpark Primary School on April 8 and 9.

This was the organisation’s way of empowering the learners and encouraging them to work hard to reach their full potential regardless of their irrespective backgrounds.

The team expressed their excitement and gratitude in working with the two schools.

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Mercy Slaffa from Bridge Builders said their intention was to donate a total of 100 pairs of schools to each school including dignity packs and they are proud to have reached their goal.

“We choose to partner with the two schools because our aim is to impact the lives of the learners positively. We are so happy that the teachers and principals of both schools have been of great help in identifying the recipients and also attending to the logistics for the visits that we have previously done to the schools as well as the actual handover of the donated items,” Slaffa said.

Regardless of their backgrounds, the learners were encouraged to reach their full potential.

She added that these were not just mere handovers of school shoes and dignity packs but the time was also used as an opportunity to share important information about the opportunities that are available within the NYDA.

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“What is important to note is that the agency focuses on education and skills development and these are the cornerstones for any evolving and growing society. We are very appreciative of the fact that the learners were encouraged to be limitless in reaching their dreams and that the sky is no longer the limit,” added Slaffa.

The team donated a total of 100 school shoes and sanitary packs to the two schools.

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