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13-year-old from Edelweiss draws a portrait of school principal

If the rainbow were a colour, Luché van Jaarsveld from Edelweiss would definitely add it to her list of favourite hues.

Drawer and painter Luché van Jaarsveld (13) from Edelweiss described her style as a combination of abstract, contemporary, and expressionism.

Luché said she started to create art when she was four and had the chance to shadow her uncle, who painted commissioned orders for clients.

“I was that young when I went to deliver an order with him for the first time,” said Luché.

“The creative process was exhilarating, and the excitement was contagious and has been with me ever since.”

A portrait of Laerskool Selection Park principal André du Plessis.

She said art had taught her about new cultures, people, stories, and creative ways of doing things.

“The biggest lesson I learnt so far was patience and that there is something beautiful in everything around us.”

Luché believes art has been a crucial part of human society since the beginning.

“It has been used for cultural exchange, education, and expression. Art also improves critical thinking skills, brain speed, and memory.”

Besides her passion for sports, she said art was another creative and productive way to stay active.

Luché van Jaarsveld’s first self-portrait in 2020.

One of her latest achievements was a portrait of her school principal, André du Plessis, who celebrated his birthday on June 7.

“I wanted to do a portrait of him from the first day I met him in Grade One.

“Du Plessis has been part of Laerskool Selection Park for 31 years and, for the last seven years, an indispensable part of us, the Grade Seven learners’ lives.

“His love and dedication to the school, learners, and teachers are indescribable,” she said.

The portrait was a gift from Luché and her fellow Grade Sevens to celebrate and thank Du Plessis. Luché’s favourite artist, without a doubt, is Lionel Smit.

A portrait of Laerskool Selection Park principal André du Plessis gifted by Luché van Jaarsveld.

She said she loved his impasto technique and the beautiful texture that he achieves.

“His artworks are large and impactful, and he has a special ability to express his subject’s essence with colour.”

As far as the old masters are concerned, Vincent van Gogh is another of her favourites.

“He did not paint life as he saw it but as he felt it with all his heart. His passion and dedication for art were second to none,” she added.

While preparing for high school next year, Luché’s long-term goal is to save 50% of her art sales to study medicine after matric.

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