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EMPD dissuades learners from crime, drugs

The EMPD taught the primary school learners about matters they are likely to confront in society.

Duduza – EMPD Social Crime Prevention Unit officers and other stakeholders engaged the learners at Iphamiseng and Thakgalang primary schools on May 13 in talks about bullying, peer pressure and human trafficking.

EMPD spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel Kelebogile Thepa said the EMPD saw a great need to do such interventions to address problems or issues early on.

“As learners grow and eventually move to high or secondary schools, what they learn and become accustomed to at the primary level easily moves with them to high school.

“Officers demonstrated how early childhood habits can lead to criminality by just being a bully at school.

“Officers further discussed how important it is to choose the correct friends who can add value in their futures and not to be subjected to peer pressure just to fit in a group,” said Thepa.

Thepa said they stressed the importance of raising awareness about human trafficking, especially among school children who, increasingly, are targeted by trafficking syndicates.

“Officers made it clear. Do not talk to strangers or get into any stranger’s vehicle. Learners were encouraged to always stay in groups and never to walk alone to and from school,” added Thepa.

The EMPD urges parents to play their roles in ensuring primary school children’s safety throughout the CoE.

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