SA Jewish Board of Deputies to observe in the sixth democratic elections
JOHANNESBURG – SAJBD to inspect the sixth Democratic election in SA.

The SA Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) ‘Make Us Count’ announced that it will be one of the observer teams for the elections to ensure that the process is conducted in a free and fair manner.
The SAJBD said it brings together Muslims, Catholics, Anglicans, Agnostics, and others in helping safeguard the integrity of the electoral process.
“The team [Make Us Count] includes many foreign nationals currently living in South Africa,” said Alana Baranov, the originator of the Make Us Count team. “One of the most special aspects of this team is the refugee observers, many of whom have never witnessed an election and cannot vote in their countries of origin. They want to be a part our team to give back to South Africa and be a part of a democratic process first hand.
“The team comprises of over 200 observers, stationed at polls across the country. You can follow the #MakeUsCount hashtag on Twitter for updates through the day. The team is officially accredited by the IEC and will be working with election officials on the day.”
The monitoring group forms just one aspect of the SAJBD’s broader election awareness, education and mobilisation campaign held in the lead up to the 2019 general elections.
It further included mobilising people to register to vote; promoting the registration of South Africans based overseas and hosting a series of high-profile political events across the country, and organising two successful election debates in Johannesburg and Cape Town.
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