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Thabiso Seduma: A born artist and painter

Thabiso Seduma urges fellow artists and painters to join his dream of establishing an art gallery in Alex for the benefit of all.

Seduma (19), an East Bank High School matriculant of the Class of 2023, started skipping his homework and opting to scribble and draw awkward-looking things on paper at age seven which his parents often disapproved.

To make up time for his artwork at home, Seduma opted to do his homework at school when other learners went to their extramural activities of which art and painting were not part.

“I then told my inquisitive parents who wanted to know why I was not doing my homework and concentrating so much on art that all my homework was being done at school while the other children were doing their extramurals so I could do my artwork too at home without disturbance from other curious onlookers,” Seduma told Alex News in an interview.

It was not long before he received a stamp of approval from his parents who had gotten word of the diligence of their son, especially when it came to doing his homework and that meant he would now get more time on art.

Seduma, who was born in Alex but moved with his parents to their Mpumalanga home only to return years later for high school, has developed and matured his art and painting skills such that besides now living off those skills, he now has his prodigies that he’s taking through their steps to art-dom.

“I also encourage them to go even further than me to acquire varsity studies in fine arts and the like,” said Seduma, who says he now makes enough money to sustain himself through selling his artwork and paintings on various social media platforms.

Seduma dreams of starting an art gallery in Alexandra and has called on fellow artist to join him in the journey towards the realisation of this dream that he harbours. “Together we can achieve greatness; apart we shall fail,” Seduma added.

Related article: The Oliver Powell and Timely Investments Trust Collection explores innovation and tradition in South African painting

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