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Gatvol Madala residents take to the streets to voice their anger

Residents of the Madala Hostel in Alexandra took to the streets to protest the ongoing poor service delivery and the unfinished temporary container relocation units.

Frustrated residents of the Madala Hostel in Alexandra took to the streets to protest the ongoing poor service delivery and the unfinished temporary relocation container units promised to them in 2020 which were expected to be completed in six months.

The protest on London Road and Roosevelt Street on May 16, brought attention to the ongoing frustrations of the residents who feel their needs have been neglected by local authorities.

Residents sing ‘Silwela amalungelo wethu’ a song that aims to bring attention to their plight. Photo: Xoliswa Zakwe

One of the residents, Sihle Buthelezi said, “We are protesting because of these containers which were built in 2020 but even today are not completed. When the construction started, we were told that the process would take six months, but now it’s been four years and still there is no progress.

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“We have been asking for meetings with those responsible for the container construction but they do not respond. We then decided that for our grievances to be heard we should barricade the streets in protest,” Buthelezi said.

Hostel resident Mthobisi Sokhela calls on those responsible for the construction of the containers to complete their work to make space for the demolition and rebuilding of the hostel. Photo: Xoliswa Zakwe
Hostel resident Mthobisi Sokhela calls on those responsible for the construction of the containers to complete their work to make space for the demolition and rebuilding of the hostel. Photo: Xoliswa Zakwe

The protesters also highlighted the lack of basic services at the hostel, including inadequate sanitation facilities, unreliable electricity supply and poor waste management, saying these issues have persisted for years, despite repeated promises from local officials to address them.

Nonceba Neti says the government must take action and finish those containers before the hostel building falls on the residents. Photo: Xoliswa Zakwe

Another resident, Mjabuleleni Madela said, “The Madala Hostel can fall anytime, the place is dirty and the living conditions are not good for the people. We can hardly sleep when it rains because the water pours inside our rooms.

Ward 116 councillor Adolph Marema says he understands the frustrations of the residents who have waited too long for the completion of the containers. Photo: Xoliswa Zakwe
Ward 116 councillor Adolph Marema says he understands the frustrations of the residents who have waited too long for the completion of the containers. Photo: Xoliswa Zakwe

“We are tired of living in these conditions and it’s now four years since we’ve been waiting for the containers to be completed but nothing has been done. We are forced to live in squalid conditions and it humiliates us.

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“The saddest part is that on May 29, we are expected to vote but why are we going to vote while our grievances are not heard and responded to,” Madela added.

Hostel resident Sihle Buthelezi says they have been asking for meetings and have not gotten responses for their grievances hence they decided to protest. Photo: Xoliswa Zakwe
Hostel resident Sihle Buthelezi says they have been asking for meetings and have not gotten responses for their grievances hence they decided to protest. Photo: Xoliswa Zakwe

The protest was peaceful, with residents ensuring that no damage was done to property or any harm came to others. The police were at the scene to ensure no harm was caused and no property was damaged.

Ward 116 councillor Adolph Marema said he understands the frustrations of the residents because everyone knows that the living conditions at the hostel are not good for its residents and that he has met with the officials from Johannesburg Social Housing Company (Joshco) to address the issue.

Frustrated hostel residents stand in the middle of London Road to ensure no motorists pass through. Photo: Xoliswa Zakwe

“If those buildings happen to fall, there will be huge damage. I met with the Joshco officials and discussed the issues of Madala Hostel temporary relocation units.

“The main contractor has been given until the end of June and we are going to sit weekly or fortnightly to check on the progress of the issue of containers. Housing has committed that they will send a contractor or the main contractor to deal with issues of blockages and other things that need to be quickly fixed at the hostel,” Marema said.

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